Selama ini kami membuat website rental sebagai informasi bagi sebuah perusahaan rental mobil.

Kali ini pesonaweb memperkenalkan web rental dengan modul aplikasi sederhana rental mobil.

Pengunjung akan langsung nge-rental dengan sistem booking langsung di website. Bagaimana sistemnya:

Silahkan langsung saja ke web demonya:

jasa pembuatan web rental mobil dengan modul

How does it work
1. Vehicle fleet online
You fill in vehicle cards using specific forms. The vehicle card contains all necessary information about vehicle for your customers.

2. Online vehicle booking
After all cards are filled in, your customers may look through your offers and choose what they like, booking the vehicle just in 2 steps!

3. Order management
Full order information becomes available at the WordPress dashboard and can be processed with ease ibidem.

4. Flexible customization
Modul Rental Mobil allows you to customize your site look according to your business and apply internationalization: language, local currency, car rental locations, etc.

Anda dapat men-setting bahasa, mata uang, dan lokasi rental ( negara, kabupaten/kota)

5. Additional Features
You can also have your corporative blog as well, add FAQ, publish your customers feedbacks, make any other pages you’d like and many more!

Download theme Rental Mobil dengan Modul (pdf)

Harga: Rp. 2.500.000,-

  • include free hosting unlimited
  • free domain
  • free konsultasi/maintenance

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